MT TWS Abstract Submission 2025 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Abstract Title *Please type your abstract title and do NOT include any colons (:) they cause a bug in the program!Abstract Type *Oral PresentationPosterBoth Oral Presentation and PosterStudent Presenter? *YesNoIf you answered yes to student, what type of student? *UndergraduateGraduate (Master’s/PhD)NAPrimary Author Name *FirstLastAffiliation *Agency, entity, or university where primary author works or attendsDepartmentIf applicable (e.g. Ecology Department)City or location where you work or attend *Additional Authors (excluding primary author listed above) *None – just primaryOneTwoThreeFourFiveSixSeven> SevenSecond Author NameFirstLastAffiliation – Second AuthorAgency, entity, or university where primary author works or attendsDepartment – Second AuthorIf applicable (e.g. Ecology Department)City or location – Second AuthorThird Author NameFirstLastAffiliation – Third AuthorAgency, entity, or university where primary author works or attendsDepartment – Third AuthorIf applicable (e.g. Ecology Department)City or location – Third AuthorFourth Author NameFirstLastAffiliation – Fourth AuthorAgency, entity, or university where primary author works or attendsDepartment – Fourth AuthorIf applicable (e.g. Ecology Department)City or location – Fourth AuthorFifth Author NameFirstLastAffiliation – Fifth AuthorAgency, entity, or university where primary author works or attendsDepartment – Fifth AuthorIf applicable (e.g. Ecology Department)City or location – Fifth AuthorSixth Author NameFirstLastAffiliation – Sixth AuthorAgency, entity, or university where primary author works or attendsDepartment – Sixth AuthorIf applicable (e.g. Ecology Department)City or location – Sixth AuthorSeventh Author NameFirstLastAffiliation – Seventh AuthorAgency, entity, or university where primary author works or attendsDepartment – Seventh AuthorIf applicable (e.g. Ecology Department)City or location – Seventh AuthorAdditional Authors, Affiliations and LocationIf you have more than 7 authors, please list the rest of the authors, their affiliations, and locations here. Biography of Presenter for Oral PresentationsIf you are submitting your abstract as a candidate for an oral presentation, please include a few sentences that will be used to introduce the presenter (maximum 250 words). Abstract (word limit 250) *Copy and paste, or type full abstract text to be printed in the MT TWS program and Intermountain Journal of SciencePhone *Phone number of primary author. Please provide the best way to contact you if we need to discuss further details about your submission. Email Address *Please enter a valid email address and the best way to contact you if we need to discuss further details about your submission. Your email will be used to contact you about the status of your abstract submission. Confirm Email Address *Submit